Research is an opportunity
to explore & discover new things
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About Us
Blind fold [ISSN NO. 2583 2751] is a quarterly & peer-reviewed journal. We strive to cover every aspect of the law ranging from intriguing contemporary issues of national & international concern to covering niche areas of law in an unbiased manner to deliver our readers quality content to meet their desire for intellectual stimulation.
To satisfy the quest for knowledge of our readers including research scholars, law students, academicians & legal professionals, we publish only the selected & finest of work to keep our loyal readers abreast of all the legal development taking place around the globe.
We have our editorial board which is working round the clock tirelessly to help our writer reach their full potential. We envision ourselves as a platform to satisfy the legal quest of all our readers. It is our endeavour to always offer a different & erudite perspective on a legal issue so as to bring a transformation in the society.
We attempt to decipher the most complex & inexplicable legal issues by offering a platform to the best minds in the legal fraternity to express themselves. Our platform is open to all, including research scholars, law students, academicians & legal professionals to impart knowledge to our readers according to the field of their expertise or interest.
We aim to make quality legal content that is accessible & comprehensive to all to revolutionize the legal learning industry by providing a cut apart legal content which has been in short supply.

Our professionals guide you through the entire publishing process, from concept to final publication, including design, editing, research, and writing.

Our team of editing and proofreading experts has helped thousands of academics, researchers, students, and business professionals improve their writing and achieve their goals.

Our editors are among the best in the industry; they are proficient in the language and academic scholars.

Our customer success team is available at any time to help you also Comprehensive support and training for you.